Satan’s Snatch


After attempting to convert a teenage fan, a rock n’ roll band of witches compose a song that destroys the morals of America causing every teenage girl to become drug addicted and pregnant forming a new generation, genetically destroyed.


A trio of satanic witches perform in a punk band. The protagonist is the leader of the coven. The opening scene is in a dive bar with the witches performing.

A teen fan is cursed by the witches and end up in the hospital. The leader of the coven convinces her to visit when she recovers. 

The girl is attacked by the women and escapes. When she reaches the media the girls are nationally embarrassed. Their records are pulled and their merchandise regulated to a landfill.

As retribution the women compose a song that causes a moral-less frenzy. Morbid interest in the band’s censorship and kidnapping cause their song to be aired. Every teenage girl in America becomes pregnant and drug addicted forming a new generation, genetically destroyed. 

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Satan’s Snatch is a fleshed out idea for a body horror featuring a script, storyboard and shot-list. Email me for a copy of the pitch containing those materials.